Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project
Data site
Welcome on the section of the Herschel Database in Marseille dedicated to hosting the data products of the Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP). For more information about the project, please visit the HELP main web site.
This site contains the individual “flat file” data products. The main HELP data is also available through Virtual Observatory protocols at the Virtual Observatory at susseX (VOX) database.
Data organisation
HELP work relied a lot on the Jupyter notebook technology to achieve some reproducible science goals. The Python notebooks are used both to process our data, to diagnose potential problems with a lot of plots and to document the work. All the pristine and intermediate data files are provided so that everyone can reproduce the work that has been done, even adding new data, new diagnostics or new data processing.
Within HELP, the work was organised in “data management units” (DMU), each one responsible of some specific tasks. The table below lists all the DMUs and their responsibilities. The file products of all the DMUs is available in the data products part that is browsed as a directory. Each DMU has its own folder, generally with a sub-folder per HELP field.
This directory structure is mirrored on GitHub, under the H-E-L-P organisation but with a big difference: the actual data is not stored on GitHub. The data is only present in the data/ sub-folders on HeDaM. GitHub is nevertheless better suited to display the readmes and the notebooks, because it render them in HTML.
DMU# | Responsibility | Link |
0 | Pristine catalogues | dmu0 |
1 | Masterlist data | dmu1 |
2 | Field definitions | dmu2 |
3 | Morphologies (Shapes & Sizes) of Objects | dmu3 |
4 | Bright Star Mask | dmu4 |
5 | Known Star Flag | dmu5 |
6 | Optical photometry validation | dmu6 |
7 | Optical photometry | dmu7 |
8 | Radio data - LOFAR & FIRST/NVSS/TGSS | dmu8 |
9 | Radio data - JVLA-DEEP & GMRT-DEEP | dmu9 |
10 | Data Fusion | dmu10 |
11 | Cross matching MIPS/PACS/SPIRE | dmu11 |
12 | Cross Matching LOFAR & FIRST/NVSS/TGSS | dmu12 |
13 | Cross Matching JVLA-DEEP & GMRT-DEEP | dmu13 |
14 | GALEX data | dmu14 |
15 | X-Ray data | dmu15 |
16 | WISE Photometry | dmu16 |
17 | MIPS Maps | dmu17 |
18 | PACS maps | dmu18 |
19 | SPIRE maps | dmu19 |
20 | MIPS blind photometry | dmu20 |
21 | PACS blind photometry | dmu21 |
22 | SPIRE blind photometry | dmu22 |
23 | Spec-z data | dmu23 |
24 | Photo-z | dmu24 |
25 | Prior model | dmu25 |
26 | XID+ | dmu26 |
27 | Empirical models / templates | dmu27 |
28 | SED fitting / CIGALE | dmu28 |
29 | Radiative transfer models | dmu29 |
30 | Missing (supplementary) Sources | dmu30 |
31 | Tools | see below |
32 | Merged catalogue | dmu32 |
We developed several tools to process our data and to make it easy to use the database. They are also hosted on GitHub:
- herschelhelp_internal is a Python module containing the code we use in the various notebooks.
- XID+ (Hurley et al., 2017) is the probability de-blender used to extract flux information from confusion dominated far-infrared maps.
- herschelhelp is a Python utility interacting with the database.
Several publications explain the various stages of HELP work:
- Shirley et al. (2019, accepted) describes the creation of the master list which is the basis for HELP work;
- Duncan et al. (2018a) and Duncan et al. (2018b) describe the photometric redshift procedure;
- Hurley et al. (2017) presents the deblending of infra-red maps;
- Małek et al. (2019) describe the SED fitting process.