Sky coverage

HELP covers 1,269 square degrees of the sky that were observed by the main Herschel satellite extragalactic projects. The figure thereafter presents the location of these fields.

Sky map of HELP fields over Plack dust emission map.

The following table lists the HELP fields with their position and size based on the SPIRE 250 maps. The name of each field is a link to a Multi Order Coverage (MOC) made from these maps. The MOC can be displayed in Aladin or used in Topcat to filter position that are inside. If you are using Python, pymoc is also very useful.

(link to MOC)
centre RA centre Dec RA min RA max Dec min Dec max
COSMOS 5.1 150.1 2.218 148.7 151.55 0.791 3.641
GAMA-15 61.7 217.6 0.456 210.0 225.2 -2.530 3.433
XMM-LSS 21.8 35.1 -4.528 32.2 38.1 -7.454 -1.591
Boötes 11.4 218.1 34.173 215.7 220.6 32.191 36.109
CDFS-SWIRE 13.0 53.1 -28.235 50.8 55.4 -30.439 -25.997
ELAIS-N1 13.5 242.9 55.071 237.9 247.9 52.441 57.526
GAMA-12 62.7 179.8 -0.482 172.3 187.3 -3.474 2.518
GAMA-09 62.0 134.7 0.513 127.2 142.2 -2.468 3.485
Lockman-SWIRE 22.4 161.2 58.058 154.8 167.7 55.019 60.819
EGS 3.6 215.0 52.720 212.4 217.5 51.155 54.234
ELAIS-S1 9.0 8.8 -43.585 6.4 11.2 -45.523 -41.603
AKARI-NEP 9.2 270.0 66.556 264.6 275.3 64.484 68.471
ELAIS-N2 9.2 249.2 41.058 246.1 252.3 39.090 42.950
xFLS 7.4 259.0 59.384 255.6 262.5 57.917 60.768
Herschel-Stripe-82 363.4 14.3 -0.034 348.4 36.2 -9.117 8.856
NGP 177.7 199.5 29.215 189.9 209.2 21.692 36.088
SGP 294.6 1.5 -32.734 337.2 26.9 -35.619 -24.512
AKARI-SEP 8.7 70.8 -53.862 66.2 75.4 -55.887 -51.682
SPIRE-NEP 0.6 265.0 69.004 263.7 266.4 68.553 69.440
SSDF 110.4 351.9 -55.114 2.20 341.5 -60.499 -48.534
HDF-N 0.67 189.2 62.241 188.1 190.4 61.760 62.711
SA13 0.27 198.0 42.715 197.6 198.5 42.407 43.020
XMM-13hr 0.76 203.6 37.918 202.9 204.4 37.379 38.452
All HELP 1,269 - - - - - -