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Overview of HELP field HATLAS-NGP

This HELP field is defined by SPIRE coverage of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (HATLAS) program coverage of the North Galactic Pole (NGP) field..

Click here to get a simple VOX query to get you started. To query the flux columns use f_best_g, ferr_best_g, m_best_g, and merr_best_g for the lowest error flux, flux error, AB magnitude, and magnitude error measurement available. All the main broadband optical and near infrared fluxes are available by replacing g with u, g, r, i, z, y, j, h, k, or ks. A full description of all columns is available here. You can also query the full table with all specific bands available.

Key stats:
Area 177.7 square degrees
Masterlist objects 6761879
XID+ objects 1235835
Photo-z objects 3169240
CIGALE objects 185668
Median g depth AB 23.79 mag, or 1.11 uJy
Median K or Ks depth AB 21.24 mag, or 11.6 uJy
Median IRAC i1 depth AB nan mag, or nan uJy
Median SPIRE 250 depth AB 14.62 mag, or 5174.78 uJy

The raw files for this field can be downloaded from the following links:

This field contains ancillary data sets from the following surveys: