HDF-N master catalogue

Preparation of CANDELS-GOODS-N data

CANDELS-GOODS-N catalogue: the catalogue comes from dmu0_CANDELS-GOODS-N.

In the catalogue, we keep:

  • The identifier (it's unique in the catalogue);
  • The position;
  • The stellarity;
  • The total magnitude.

We don't know when the maps have been observed. We will use the year of the reference paper.

In [1]:
from herschelhelp_internal import git_version
print("This notebook was run with herschelhelp_internal version: \n{}".format(git_version()))
This notebook was run with herschelhelp_internal version: 
33f5ec7 (Wed Dec 6 16:56:17 2017 +0000)
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(10, 6))

from collections import OrderedDict
import os

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Column, Table
import numpy as np

from herschelhelp_internal.flagging import  gaia_flag_column
from herschelhelp_internal.masterlist import nb_astcor_diag_plot, remove_duplicates
from herschelhelp_internal.utils import astrometric_correction, flux_to_mag
In [3]:
OUT_DIR =  os.environ.get('TMP_DIR', "./data_tmp")
except FileExistsError:

RA_COL = "candels-gn_ra"
DEC_COL = "candels-gn_dec"

I - Column selection

In [4]:
imported_columns = OrderedDict({
        'ID': "candels-gn_id",
        'RA': "candels-gn_ra",
        'DEC': "candels-gn_dec",
        'CLASS_STAR':  "candels-gn_stellarity",
    #HST data
        'ACS_F435W_FLUX': "f_acs_f435w", 
        'ACS_F435W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f435w", 
        'ACS_F606W_FLUX': "f_acs_f606w", 
        'ACS_F606W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f606w", 
        'ACS_F775W_FLUX': "f_acs_f775w", 
        'ACS_F775W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f775w", 
        'ACS_F814W_FLUX': "f_acs_f814w", 
        'ACS_F814W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f814w", 
        'ACS_F850LP_FLUX': "f_acs_f850lp", 
        'ACS_F850LP_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f850lp", 
        'WFC3_F105W_FLUX': "f_acs_f105w", 
        'WFC3_F105W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f105w", 
        'WFC3_F125W_FLUX': "f_acs_f125w", 
        'WFC3_F125W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f125w", 
        'WFC3_F140W_FLUX': "f_acs_f140w", 
        'WFC3_F140W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f140w", 
        'WFC3_F160W_FLUX': "f_acs_f160w", 
        'WFC3_F160W_FLUXERR': "ferr_acs_f160w", 
        'CFHT_Ks_FLUX': "f_candels-wircam_k",# 33 WIRCAM_K_FLUX Flux density (in μJy) in the Ks-band (CFHT/WIRCam) (3)
        'CFHT_Ks_FLUXERR': "ferr_candels-wircam_k",# 34 WIRCAM_K_FLUXERR 
        'IRAC_CH1_SCANDELS_FLUX': "f_candels-irac_i1",# 47 IRAC_CH1_FLUX Flux density (in μJy) in the 3.6μm-band (Spitzer/IRAC) (3)
        'IRAC_CH1_SCANDELS_FLUXERR': "ferr_candels-irac_i1",# 48 IRAC_CH1_FLUXERR Flux uncertainty (in μJy) in the 3.6μm-band (Spitzer/IRAC) (3)
        'IRAC_CH2_SCANDELS_FLUX': "f_candels-irac_i2",# 49 IRAC_CH2_FLUX Flux density (in μJy) in the 4.5μm-band (Spitzer/IRAC) (3)
        'IRAC_CH2_SCANDELS_FLUXERR': "ferr_candels-irac_i2",# 50 IRAC_CH2_FLUXERR Flux uncertainty (in μJy) in the 4.5μm-band (Spitzer/IRAC) (3)
        'IRAC_CH3_FLUX': "f_candels-irac_i3",# 51 IRAC_CH3_FLUX Flux density (in μJy) in the 5.8μm-band (Spitzer/IRAC) (3)
        'IRAC_CH3_FLUXERR': "ferr_candels-irac_i3",# 52 IRAC_CH3_FLUXERR Flux uncertainty (in μJy) in the 5.8μm-band (Spitzer/IRAC) (3)
        'IRAC_CH4_FLUX': "f_candels-irac_i4",# 53 IRAC_CH4_FLUX Flux density (in μJy) in the 8.0μm-band (Spitzer/IRAC) (3)
        'IRAC_CH4_FLUXERR': "ferr_candels-irac_i4"# 54 IRAC_CH4_FLUXERR

catalogue = Table.read("../../dmu0/dmu0_CANDELS-GOODS-N/data/CANDELS.GOODSN.F160W.v1_1.photom.fits")[list(imported_columns)]
for column in imported_columns:
    catalogue[column].name = imported_columns[column]

epoch = 2011

# Clean table metadata
catalogue.meta = None
WARNING: UnitsWarning: '0 use, gt 1 no-use' did not parse as fits unit: At col 2, Unit 'use' not supported by the FITS standard. Did you mean uS or us? [astropy.units.core]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: '0 galaxy, 1 star' did not parse as fits unit: At col 2, Unit 'galaxy' not supported by the FITS standard.  [astropy.units.core]
In [5]:
# Adding flux and band-flag columns
for col in catalogue.colnames:
    if col.startswith('f_'):
        errcol = "ferr{}".format(col[1:])
        # Some object have a magnitude to 0, we suppose this means missing value
        #catalogue[col][catalogue[col] <= 0] = np.nan
        #catalogue[errcol][catalogue[errcol] <= 0] = np.nan  

        mag, error = flux_to_mag(np.array(catalogue[col])*1.e-6, np.array(catalogue[errcol])*1.e-6)
        # Fluxes are added in µJy
        catalogue.add_column(Column(mag, name="m{}".format(col[1:])))
        catalogue.add_column(Column(error, name="m{}".format(errcol[1:])))

        # Band-flag column
        if "ap" not in col:
            catalogue.add_column(Column(np.zeros(len(catalogue), dtype=bool), name="flag{}".format(col[1:])))
# TODO: Set to True the flag columns for fluxes that should not be used for SED fitting.
/opt/herschelhelp_internal/herschelhelp_internal/utils.py:76: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  magnitudes = 2.5 * (23 - np.log10(fluxes)) - 48.6
/opt/herschelhelp_internal/herschelhelp_internal/utils.py:76: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  magnitudes = 2.5 * (23 - np.log10(fluxes)) - 48.6
/opt/herschelhelp_internal/herschelhelp_internal/utils.py:80: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  errors = 2.5 / np.log(10) * errors_on_fluxes / fluxes
In [6]:
<Table length=10>
0 galaxy, 1 star

II - Removal of duplicated sources

We remove duplicated objects from the input catalogues.

In [7]:
SORT_COLS = ["merr_acs_f435w","ferr_acs_f606w",
             "ferr_acs_f850lp", "ferr_acs_f105w",
FLAG_NAME = 'candels-gn_flag_cleaned'

nb_orig_sources = len(catalogue)

catalogue = remove_duplicates(catalogue, RA_COL, DEC_COL, sort_col=SORT_COLS,flag_name=FLAG_NAME)

nb_sources = len(catalogue)

print("The initial catalogue had {} sources.".format(nb_orig_sources))
print("The cleaned catalogue has {} sources ({} removed).".format(nb_sources, nb_orig_sources - nb_sources))
print("The cleaned catalogue has {} sources flagged as having been cleaned".format(np.sum(catalogue[FLAG_NAME])))
The initial catalogue had 35445 sources.
The cleaned catalogue has 35423 sources (22 removed).
The cleaned catalogue has 21 sources flagged as having been cleaned

III - Astrometry correction

We match the astrometry to the Gaia one. We limit the Gaia catalogue to sources with a g band flux between the 30th and the 70th percentile. Some quick tests show that this give the lower dispersion in the results.

In [8]:
gaia = Table.read("../../dmu0/dmu0_GAIA/data/GAIA_HDF-N.fits")
gaia_coords = SkyCoord(gaia['ra'], gaia['dec'])
In [9]:
nb_astcor_diag_plot(catalogue[RA_COL], catalogue[DEC_COL], 
                    gaia_coords.ra, gaia_coords.dec)
In [10]:
delta_ra, delta_dec =  astrometric_correction(
    SkyCoord(catalogue[RA_COL], catalogue[DEC_COL]),

print("RA correction: {}".format(delta_ra))
print("Dec correction: {}".format(delta_dec))
RA correction: 0.02082349079728374 arcsec
Dec correction: -0.02865639995377478 arcsec
In [11]:
catalogue[RA_COL].unit = u.deg
catalogue[DEC_COL].unit = u.deg
catalogue[RA_COL] = catalogue[RA_COL] +  delta_ra.to(u.deg)
catalogue[DEC_COL] = catalogue[DEC_COL] + delta_dec.to(u.deg)
In [12]:
nb_astcor_diag_plot(catalogue[RA_COL], catalogue[DEC_COL], 
                    gaia_coords.ra, gaia_coords.dec)

IV - Flagging Gaia objects

In [13]:
    gaia_flag_column(SkyCoord(catalogue[RA_COL], catalogue[DEC_COL]), epoch, gaia)
In [14]:
GAIA_FLAG_NAME = "candels-gn_flag_gaia"

catalogue['flag_gaia'].name = GAIA_FLAG_NAME
print("{} sources flagged.".format(np.sum(catalogue[GAIA_FLAG_NAME] > 0)))
102 sources flagged.

V - Saving to disk

In [15]:
catalogue.write("{}/CANDELS-GOODS-N.fits".format(OUT_DIR), overwrite=True)