EGS master catalogue

Checks and diagnostics

In [1]:
from herschelhelp_internal import git_version
print("This notebook was run with herschelhelp_internal version: \n{}".format(git_version()))
This notebook was run with herschelhelp_internal version: 
44f1ae0 (Thu Nov 30 18:27:54 2017 +0000)
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(10, 6))'ggplot')

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_GB')

import os
import time
import itertools

from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import visualization as vis
import numpy as np
from matplotlib_venn import venn3

from herschelhelp_internal.masterlist import nb_compare_mags, nb_ccplots, nb_histograms, find_last_ml_suffix
In [3]:
OUT_DIR = os.environ.get('OUT_DIR', "./data")
SUFFIX = find_last_ml_suffix()
#SUFFIX = "20171016"

master_catalogue_filename = "master_catalogue_egs_{}.fits".format(SUFFIX)
master_catalogue ="{}/{}".format(OUT_DIR, master_catalogue_filename))

print("Diagnostics done using: {}".format(master_catalogue_filename))
Diagnostics done using: master_catalogue_egs_20171202.fits

I - Summary of wavelength domains

In [4]:
flag_obs = master_catalogue['flag_optnir_obs']
flag_det = master_catalogue['flag_optnir_det']
In [5]:
        np.sum(flag_obs == 4),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 2),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 6),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 1),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 5),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 3),
        np.sum(flag_obs == 7)
    set_labels=('mid-IR', 'near-IR', 'Optical' ),
    subset_label_formatter=lambda x: "{}%".format(int(100*x/len(flag_obs)))
plt.title("Wavelength domain observations");
/opt/anaconda3/envs/herschelhelp_internal/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib_venn/ UserWarning: Bad circle positioning
  warnings.warn("Bad circle positioning")
In [6]:
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 4),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 2),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 6),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 1),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 5),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 3),
        np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] == 7)
    set_labels=('mid-IR', 'near-IR', 'Optical'),
    subset_label_formatter=lambda x: "{}%".format(int(100*x/np.sum(flag_det[flag_obs == 7] != 0)))
plt.title("Detection of the {} sources detected\n in any wavelength domains\n in regions observed in all domains "
          "(among {} total sources)".format(
              locale.format('%d', np.sum(flag_det != 0), grouping=True),
              locale.format('%d', len(flag_det), grouping=True)));

II - Comparing magnitudes in similar filters

The master list if composed of several catalogues containing magnitudes in similar filters on different instruments. We are comparing the magnitudes in these corresponding filters.

In [7]:
u_bands = ["Megacam u"]
g_bands = ["Megacam g",              "GPC1 g"] #No Suprime g?
r_bands = ["Megacam r", "SUPRIME r", "GPC1 r"]
i_bands = ["Megacam i", "SUPRIME i", "GPC1 i"]
z_bands = ["Megacam z", "SUPRIME z", "GPC1 z"]
y_bands = [             "SUPRIME y", "GPC1 y"]
#TODO look at narrow hst bands. Also many other ugrizy bands

II.a - Comparing depths

We compare the histograms of the total aperture magnitudes of similar bands.

In [8]:
for bands in [u_bands, g_bands, r_bands, i_bands, z_bands, y_bands]:
    colnames = ["m_{}".format(band.replace(" ", "_").lower()) for band in bands]
    nb_histograms(master_catalogue, colnames, bands)

II.b - Comparing magnitudes

We compare one to one each magnitude in similar bands.

In [9]:
for band_of_a_kind in [u_bands, g_bands, r_bands, i_bands, z_bands, y_bands]:
    for band1, band2 in itertools.combinations(band_of_a_kind, 2):
        basecol1, basecol2 = band1.replace(" ", "_").lower(), band2.replace(" ", "_").lower()
        col1, col2 = "m_ap_{}".format(basecol1), "m_ap_{}".format(basecol2)
        nb_compare_mags(master_catalogue[col1], master_catalogue[col2], 
                        labels=("{} (aperture)".format(band1), "{} (aperture)".format(band2)))
        col1, col2 = "m_{}".format(basecol1), "m_{}".format(basecol2)
        nb_compare_mags(master_catalogue[col1], master_catalogue[col2], 
                        labels=("{} (total)".format(band1), "{} (total)".format(band2)))
GPC1 g (aperture) - Megacam g (aperture):
- Median: -0.28
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.32
- 1% percentile: -2.9472508430480957
- 99% percentile: 2.2309391975402826
GPC1 g (total) - Megacam g (total):
- Median: -0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.27
- 1% percentile: -2.9708000183105465
- 99% percentile: 1.7024208068847675
SUPRIME r (aperture) - Megacam r (aperture):
- Median: -0.01
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.18
- 1% percentile: -1.3007946014404297
- 99% percentile: 1.773109951019285
SUPRIME r (total) - Megacam r (total):
- Median: 0.02
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.23
- 1% percentile: -2.022033271789551
- 99% percentile: 2.2642460632324197
GPC1 r (aperture) - Megacam r (aperture):
- Median: -0.17
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.17
- 1% percentile: -1.62568998336792
- 99% percentile: 1.2671497344970688
GPC1 r (total) - Megacam r (total):
- Median: 0.08
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -1.6139793395996094
- 99% percentile: 1.003040313720704
GPC1 r (aperture) - SUPRIME r (aperture):
- Median: -0.20
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.25
- 1% percentile: -1.6588865661621093
- 99% percentile: 1.2223485565185546
GPC1 r (total) - SUPRIME r (total):
- Median: 0.09
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.7492075538635254
- 99% percentile: 0.959752445220943
SUPRIME i (aperture) - Megacam i (aperture):
- Median: -0.02
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -1.4580886840820313
- 99% percentile: 1.3433338165283222
SUPRIME i (total) - Megacam i (total):
- Median: -0.07
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -2.209751625061035
- 99% percentile: 2.055141906738279
GPC1 i (aperture) - Megacam i (aperture):
- Median: -0.08
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -1.0892204284667968
- 99% percentile: 0.7077011108398423
GPC1 i (total) - Megacam i (total):
- Median: 0.14
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.09
- 1% percentile: -0.8024005889892578
- 99% percentile: 0.7248001098632812
GPC1 i (aperture) - SUPRIME i (aperture):
- Median: -0.11
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.20
- 1% percentile: -1.2585309600830077
- 99% percentile: 0.7960177612304704
GPC1 i (total) - SUPRIME i (total):
- Median: 0.19
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.11
- 1% percentile: -1.0757511711120604
- 99% percentile: 0.734667930603025
SUPRIME z (aperture) - Megacam z (aperture):
- Median: -0.04
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.25
- 1% percentile: -2.159938545227051
- 99% percentile: 2.59332706451416
SUPRIME z (total) - Megacam z (total):
- Median: -0.03
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.30
- 1% percentile: -2.643705654144287
- 99% percentile: 2.7141837120056165
GPC1 z (aperture) - Megacam z (aperture):
- Median: -0.13
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -1.0188804626464845
- 99% percentile: 0.8210201263427732
GPC1 z (total) - Megacam z (total):
- Median: 0.09
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.11
- 1% percentile: -0.8396714782714844
- 99% percentile: 0.7753617477416994
GPC1 z (aperture) - SUPRIME z (aperture):
- Median: -0.10
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.21
- 1% percentile: -1.1059716796874999
- 99% percentile: 0.9145635223388655
GPC1 z (total) - SUPRIME z (total):
- Median: 0.14
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.9915233230590821
- 99% percentile: 0.8064051818847633
GPC1 y (aperture) - SUPRIME y (aperture):
- Median: -0.24
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.31
- 1% percentile: -2.071452808380127
- 99% percentile: 1.7521905326843257
GPC1 y (total) - SUPRIME y (total):
- Median: 0.05
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.28
- 1% percentile: -2.2786521530151367
- 99% percentile: 1.549367561340333

III - Comparing magnitudes to reference bands

Cross-match the master list to SDSS and 2MASS to compare its magnitudes to SDSS and 2MASS ones.

In [10]:
master_catalogue_coords = SkyCoord(master_catalogue['ra'], master_catalogue['dec'])

III.a - Comparing u, g, r, i, and z bands to SDSS

The catalogue is cross-matched to SDSS-DR13 withing 0.2 arcsecond.

We compare the u, g, r, i, and z magnitudes to those from SDSS using fiberMag for the aperture magnitude and petroMag for the total magnitude.

In [11]:
sdss ="../../dmu0/dmu0_SDSS-DR13/data/SDSS-DR13_EGS.fits")
sdss_coords = SkyCoord(sdss['ra'] * u.deg, sdss['dec'] * u.deg)

idx, d2d, _ = sdss_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(master_catalogue_coords)
mask = (d2d < 0.2 * u.arcsec)

sdss = sdss[mask]
ml_sdss_idx = idx[mask]
In [12]:
for band_of_a_kind in [u_bands, g_bands, r_bands, i_bands, z_bands]:
    for band in band_of_a_kind:
        sdss_mag_ap = sdss["fiberMag_{}".format(band[-1])]
        master_cat_mag_ap = master_catalogue["m_ap_{}".format(band.replace(" ", "_").lower())][ml_sdss_idx]
        nb_compare_mags(sdss_mag_ap, master_cat_mag_ap,
                        labels=("SDSS {} (fiberMag)".format(band[-1]), "{} (aperture)".format(band)))
        sdss_mag_tot = sdss["petroMag_{}".format(band[-1])]
        master_cat_mag_tot = master_catalogue["m_ap_{}".format(band.replace(" ", "_").lower())][ml_sdss_idx]
        nb_compare_mags(sdss_mag_ap, master_cat_mag_ap,
                        labels=("SDSS {} (petroMag)".format(band[-1]), "{} (total)".format(band)))
Megacam u (aperture) - SDSS u (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.16
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.49
- 1% percentile: -1.9366635704040527
- 99% percentile: 3.1243225669860886
Megacam u (total) - SDSS u (petroMag):
- Median: -0.16
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.49
- 1% percentile: -1.9366635704040527
- 99% percentile: 3.1243225669860886
Megacam g (aperture) - SDSS g (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.34
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -1.1357846069335937
- 99% percentile: 0.7837402153015139
Megacam g (total) - SDSS g (petroMag):
- Median: -0.34
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -1.1357846069335937
- 99% percentile: 0.7837402153015139
GPC1 g (aperture) - SDSS g (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.58
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.27
- 1% percentile: -2.649733161926269
- 99% percentile: 1.7384460449218742
GPC1 g (total) - SDSS g (petroMag):
- Median: -0.58
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.27
- 1% percentile: -2.649733161926269
- 99% percentile: 1.7384460449218742
Megacam r (aperture) - SDSS r (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.28
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.07
- 1% percentile: -0.9402611541748047
- 99% percentile: 0.4672513961791987
Megacam r (total) - SDSS r (petroMag):
- Median: -0.28
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.07
- 1% percentile: -0.9402611541748047
- 99% percentile: 0.4672513961791987
SUPRIME r (aperture) - SDSS r (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.27
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.9828863334655762
- 99% percentile: 0.5160082817077647
SUPRIME r (total) - SDSS r (petroMag):
- Median: -0.27
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.9828863334655762
- 99% percentile: 0.5160082817077647
GPC1 r (aperture) - SDSS r (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.43
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.5799267196655273
- 99% percentile: 0.7769848442077639
GPC1 r (total) - SDSS r (petroMag):
- Median: -0.43
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.15
- 1% percentile: -1.5799267196655273
- 99% percentile: 0.7769848442077639
Megacam i (aperture) - SDSS i (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.33
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.08
- 1% percentile: -0.9073835754394531
- 99% percentile: 0.5248305892944336
Megacam i (total) - SDSS i (petroMag):
- Median: -0.33
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.08
- 1% percentile: -0.9073835754394531
- 99% percentile: 0.5248305892944336
SUPRIME i (aperture) - SDSS i (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.31
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.9429589080810548
- 99% percentile: 0.5862416458129882
SUPRIME i (total) - SDSS i (petroMag):
- Median: -0.31
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.12
- 1% percentile: -0.9429589080810548
- 99% percentile: 0.5862416458129882
GPC1 i (aperture) - SDSS i (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.41
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.11
- 1% percentile: -1.0385213470458985
- 99% percentile: 0.2873053741455075
GPC1 i (total) - SDSS i (petroMag):
- Median: -0.41
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.11
- 1% percentile: -1.0385213470458985
- 99% percentile: 0.2873053741455075
Megacam z (aperture) - SDSS z (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.18
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -1.1557494163513184
- 99% percentile: 1.0748854446411142
Megacam z (total) - SDSS z (petroMag):
- Median: -0.18
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.14
- 1% percentile: -1.1557494163513184
- 99% percentile: 1.0748854446411142
SUPRIME z (aperture) - SDSS z (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.20
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -1.1774482727050781
- 99% percentile: 0.8522415161132812
SUPRIME z (total) - SDSS z (petroMag):
- Median: -0.20
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.19
- 1% percentile: -1.1774482727050781
- 99% percentile: 0.8522415161132812
GPC1 z (aperture) - SDSS z (fiberMag):
- Median: -0.33
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -1.3514610290527345
- 99% percentile: 0.7569400787353526
GPC1 z (total) - SDSS z (petroMag):
- Median: -0.33
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.16
- 1% percentile: -1.3514610290527345
- 99% percentile: 0.7569400787353526

III.b - Comparing J and K bands to 2MASS

The catalogue is cross-matched to 2MASS-PSC withing 0.2 arcsecond. We compare the WIRCAM total J and K magnitudes to those from 2MASS.

The 2MASS magnitudes are “Vega-like” and we have to convert them to AB magnitudes using the zero points provided on this page:

Band Fν - 0 mag (Jy)
J 1594
H 1024
Ks 666.7

2MASS and WIRCAM both use Ks so no conversion is required.

In [13]:
# The AB zero point is 3631 Jy
j_2mass_to_ab = 2.5 * np.log10(3631/1595)
k_2mass_to_ab = 2.5 * np.log10(3631/666.7)
In [14]:
twomass ="../../dmu0/dmu0_2MASS-point-sources/data/2MASS-PSC_EGS.fits")
twomass_coords = SkyCoord(twomass['raj2000'], twomass['dej2000'])

idx, d2d, _ = twomass_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(master_catalogue_coords)
mask = (d2d < 0.2 * u.arcsec)

twomass = twomass[mask]
ml_twomass_idx = idx[mask]
In [15]:
nb_compare_mags(twomass['jmag'] + j_2mass_to_ab, master_catalogue['m_wircam_j'][ml_twomass_idx],
                labels=("2MASS J", "WIRCAM J (total)"))
WIRCAM J (total) - 2MASS J:
- Median: 0.00
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.09
- 1% percentile: -1.0202204724027446
- 99% percentile: 3.129319943551843
In [16]:
nb_compare_mags(twomass['kmag'] + k_2mass_to_ab, master_catalogue['m_wircam_k'][ml_twomass_idx],
                labels=("2MASS Ks", "WIRCAM Ks (total)"))
WIRCAM Ks (total) - 2MASS Ks:
- Median: -0.00
- Median Absolute Deviation: 0.10
- 1% percentile: -1.0586832237871677
- 99% percentile: 2.5413844028607815

Keeping only sources with good signal to noise ratio

From here, we are only comparing sources with a signal to noise ratio above 3, i.e. roughly we a magnitude error below 0.3.

To make it easier, we are setting to NaN in the catalogue the magnitudes associated with an error above 0.3 so we can't use these magnitudes after the next cell.

In [17]:
for error_column in [_ for _ in master_catalogue.colnames if _.startswith('merr_')]:
    column = error_column.replace("merr", "m")
    keep_mask = np.isfinite(master_catalogue[error_column])
    keep_mask[keep_mask] &= master_catalogue[keep_mask][error_column] <= 0.3
    master_catalogue[column][~keep_mask] = np.nan

IV - Comparing aperture magnitudes to total ones.

In [18]:
    master_catalogue['m_ap_megacam_r'] - master_catalogue['m_megacam_r'],
    "r total magnitude (CFHT)", "r aperture mag - total mag (CFHT)",
Number of source used: 830340 / 1412613 (58.78%)

V - Color-color and magnitude-color plots

In [19]:
    master_catalogue['m_suprime_g'] - master_catalogue['m_suprime_i'],
    master_catalogue['m_wircam_j'] - master_catalogue['m_wircam_k'],
    "g - i (HSC)", "J - Ks (WIRCAM)",
Number of source used: 41504 / 1412613 (2.94%)
In [20]:
    master_catalogue['m_suprime_i'] - master_catalogue['m_irac-egs_i1'],
    master_catalogue['m_suprime_g'] - master_catalogue['m_suprime_i'],
    "HSC i - IRAC1", "g - i (HSC)",
Number of source used: 48502 / 1412613 (3.43%)
In [21]:
    master_catalogue['m_megacam_u'] - master_catalogue['m_megacam_g'],
    master_catalogue['m_megacam_g'] - master_catalogue['m_megacam_r'],
    "u - g (CFHT)", "g - r (CFHT)",
Number of source used: 493682 / 1412613 (34.95%)
In [22]:
    master_catalogue['m_wircam_j'] - master_catalogue['m_wircam_k'],
    master_catalogue['m_suprime_g'] - master_catalogue['m_wircam_j'],
    "J - K (WIRCAM)", "g - J (HSC, WIRCAM)",
Number of source used: 42964 / 1412613 (3.04%)
In [23]:
    master_catalogue['m_megacam_i'] - master_catalogue['m_megacam_z'],
    master_catalogue['m_megacam_z'] - master_catalogue['m_wircam_j'],
    "i - z (Megacam)", "z - J (Megacam, Wircam)",
Number of source used: 62941 / 1412613 (4.46%)
In [24]:
    master_catalogue['m_irac-egs_i3'] - master_catalogue['m_irac-egs_i4'],
    master_catalogue['m_irac-egs_i1'] - master_catalogue['m_irac-egs_i2'],
    "IRAC3 - IRAC4", "IRAC1 - IRAC2",
Number of source used: 26811 / 1412613 (1.90%)