README VIDEO data release September 2016 Please read for further details. If you have access to THIS file, you should have access to this webpage, too. In this 'release', you can find the following data (in the appropriate folders): *****IMAGES***** (Field/available bands) (in the below filter 'K' means 'Ks') (please make sure you're downloading the newest images, identifyable via the date in the file names) (compared to earlier versions, these images are slightly bigger to include ALL pixels with data (and additional 0's everywhere else)) CDFS_all ZYJHK CDFS1 ZYJHK CDFS2 YJHK (new: Y) CDFS3 YJK (new: Y) ES1_all ZYJHK ES1-north ZYJHK ES1-south ZYJHK XMM_all ZYJHK XMM1 ZYHK XMM2 YJHK XMM3 ZYJHK pixelmatched images for CFHTLS survey D1 field in the following filters from CFHTLS survey directly: ugrizy from VIDEO pixelmatched: YZJHK new: pixelmatched images for CFHTLS survey W1 field in the following filters from CFHTLS survey directly (but merged into one image for the area): ugrizy from VIDEO pixelmatched: YZJHK pixelmatched images for all fields matched to the SERVS images (0.6"/pix resolution) from SERVS survey directly: bands b1, b2 from VIDEO pixelmatched: YZJHK (in each field XMM, CDFS, ES1) These stacked images have been made using SWarp and are a weighted mean combine of pawprint stacks produced from the raw data by CASU, rejecting pawprint stacks with seeing > 0.9" FWHM. For each tile we make a "standard" VIDEO image stack covering the whole tile, resampled to a pixel scale of 0.2"/pixel (leading to a file size of ~2.7 GB per image). A single image in each survey field (instead of split up in 2-3 images for each field at the same resolution of 0.2"/pix) are also available now (file size up to 9.5GB). Some data have additional image products resampled to match the coordinate systems of external data products (CFHTLS at resolution is 0.186"/pix, SERVS at 0.6"/pix) If, for some reason, you require older versions of the images, e.g. for comparison, please send a request to Boris Haeussler. We might have removed them from the web server for space reasons, but obviously still have them. *****DETECTION CATALOGUES***** (I can provide further catalogues if necessary, e.g. intermediate steps, merged from dual band sextractor runs) In each field, we provide ONE band-merged catalogue. Catalogues have been extracted from each set of images using SExtractor in dual-image mode. For the standard set of images, the catalogue contains objects detected in any of the Ks, H, J, Y, or Z bands (where available), with measurements made in all the other bands based on the position in the detection image. Duplicate detections of objects have been removed by retaining only the longest wavelength detection (after matching catalogues in all available filters with a 1 arcsecond tolerance). Objects detected in the longest-wavelength image available (usually Ks) have IDs starting with "1", those detected in the second-longest-wavelength image (but not detected in Ks) have IDs starting with "2", and so on. Please note that object IDs are subject to change from release to release and should not be used to identify objects between releases. SExtractor is run in dual-image mode using these setups: (for CFHTLS ugriz images) (for SERVS b1, b2 images) For all catalogues, there are 3 files (example names here): VIDEO-cdfs1_2015-03-25_fullcat.fits (catalogue as it comes from SExtractor directly) VIDEO-cdfs1_2015-03-25_fullcat_errfix.fits (same catalogue but with empirically/statistically corrected mag uncertainties) VIDEO-cdfs1_2015-03-25_fullcat.reg (.reg file for image overlay in ds9) Additionally, for the very eager, I have matched all catalogues into ONE VIDEO MASTER catalogue. This is somewhat inhomogeneous, due to the different depths/coverage in the different fields, but it gives you an idea about ALL DETECTIONS in VIDEO. Please find this catalogue here: *****REDSHIFTS, MASSES, SFR and other parameters***** for CFHTLS-D1/CFHTLS-W1 images (and matched VIDEO images) only: (new: covering CFHTLS-W1 area) Two catalogues have been produced that contains photometric redshifts, masses, SFR, stellar ages, ... These have been produced using the catalogue for the CFHTLS-D1 and CFHTLS-W1 area, respectively, using the Le Phare software. For full details about the outputs please see the Le Phare documentation, but note that Z_BEST is the best-fitting galaxy redshift, while CHI_BEST is the chisquare value of this best-fit. The catalogues can be downloaded in both ASCII or FITS format (I higly recommend the FITS file, it's easier to use and smaller, too). The galaxy templates used were the modified empirical galaxy templates as used in Arnouts et al, 2007 (these are interpolated CWW templates "tuned in the MIR based on VVDS-CFHTLS-SWIRE photometry"; see the sed/GAL/AVEROI_NEW directory in the LePhare distribution). They gave less bias (when checked against VVDS spectroscopic redshifts) than any synthetic template tested templates (Dave Bonfield has tried the COSMOS30 set composed of BC03 and Polletta+07 templates, and also tried Maraston templates with Solar metallicity). The full probability density functions (as a function of z only) are also provided in both ASCII or FITS format (*pdz*.fits). Please check the LaPhare documentation for details on the content of these files. All LePhare values are provides in these catalogues (deep and wide, respectively): but many columns have been stripped. However, the IDs in this (and the order, I think) are identical to these catalogues: so it's trivial to get FULL information on any of the objects. The catalogues should be relatively trivial to understand, it follows the naming conventions of SExtractor and LePhare. Thanks to Mattia Vaccari, we can also provide this little README with a few more details on the catalogues and how we run LePhare: For completeness, we also provide the VVDS and PRMIUS spectroscopic redshifts used for LePhare training here: *****DEPTHS AND SEEING***** (make sure you're looking at the correct datestamp in the filename) depth: The files with depths information have now been cleaned up and are much easier to read, especially to try and find the band you're looking for and the aperture sizes you need to know. We are aware that some of the apertures are huge, but they have been created in order to deliver the same apertures as other survey teams (e.g. SERVS) (including [1,2,4]*sqrt(2)arsec apertures) The aperture sizes used are given in the catalogue headers! seeing: The files with seeing information are now trivial to read. *****IMAGE PSFs***** We provide some PSFs created using PSFex (Bertin) in a big zip file for each field. For each image, this is a grid of (usually) 50x50 PSFs at different locations over the image (95x95 images in case of large images, e.g. bigger than one VIDEO tile). The file names indicate the PSF position in the image [in pixels]. The psf_lists* files contain the RA&DEC of a PSF and the matching filename for convenience (e.g. usage in GALAPAGOS) *****COLOUR IMAGES***** The colour jpegs and zoomify files provided are still using the 2014 data. I have not produced the new tiff/jpeg images (including SERVS fields) this year.